“One Autumn Night” September Fiber Club Coordinate Pack- PRE-ORDER - 6 oz.


This is open to all!

This is a pre-order. Please allow up to 4 weeks for your order to be dyed and shipped. If you order these with shop update items, it will delay shipment. Place separate orders for speedy shipment of update orders. I'll automatically combine extras and coordinates with club if it will save on shipping.

You'll receive 1 oz. each of September's Fiber Club Coordinates. This pack is great for colorwork, stripes, and blending!

These colors are my happy place. I hope you love them, too!

The fiber is a 70s Merino that is silky and puffy and is from non-mulsed sheep. The fiber is about 3” long and a joy to spin.

Use it for anything next to skin. Be wary about using it for something that will get hard wear because this stuff is kitten soft.

6 oz. bag

hand wash/air dry

21 available



Shipping to Alone With Others
Canada $15.00 $4.00
United States $8.00 $1.00
Everywhere else $18.00 $10.00